6th Annual Food Truck Party
May 19, 4 - 8 pm 10 Food Trucks Downtown Bridgewater, between Empire & Dominion Street
May 19, 4 - 8 pm 10 Food Trucks Downtown Bridgewater, between Empire & Dominion Street
Location: King Street, between Empire & Dominion Duration: 4 - 8 pm RAIN OR SHINE
Location: King Street between Empire & Dominion Street Time: 4 - 8 PM Live music at King Street Court
An updated list of the food trucks we are expecting, and a little bit of information on their menus.
Downtown Bridgewater - King Street between Empire and Dominion St
In spite of what the forecast may lead you to believe, this event will take place on King Street, as planned.
We are celebrating the upcoming opening of our 10th market season with a food truck party.
4 - 8 pm on Sunday, May 21. Downtown Bridgewater, on King Street between Empire and Dominion Rain location: Bridgewater Fire Hall
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